
Embark on a visual journey through the extraordinary Dungeons and Dragons adventures crafted by the storyteller Kimberly, renowned owner, and writer of Houseoflolth.com. With over 7 years of Dungeon Master experience, Kimberly is a seasoned storyteller who has left an indelible mark on the world of tabletop gaming.


Goddess of the Underdark

House of Lolth is more than a DnD blog; it’s a living, breathing collection of musings, insights, and tales from the gaming table. Kimberly, the storyteller-in-chief, invites you to explore the Underdark Adventure, where the lines between strategy and narrative blur, creating a world for both seasoned adventurers and those taking their first steps into the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

Authentic Dungeons:

Where Your Story Comes Alive

Where the world of professional DMing all began. Within the realm of Authentic Dungeons, Kimberly stepped into the shoes of a storyteller. With encouragement from the owner and renowned DM, Michael Davidson, the platform became a canvas for shared experiences and lessons learned, reflecting a genuine passion for the craft.

A Dungeon Master for Every Chapter:

Unique Gaming Experiences

Kimberly’s Dungeon Mastering journey encompasses diverse chapters, each with its’ unique flavour. From guiding the boundless (sometimes crazy) creativity of youth to spinning tales that echo the spirit of heroines in ladies-only games, and navigating the complexities of campaigns, Kimberly’s narrative skills adapt to every setting.

Insights Beyond The Table:

Emotions, Inclusion

Dungeons and Dragons can be a very emotional game, you are travelling with the same group of people doing daunting tasks and tackling sticky situations at every corner, when feelings get triggered having an experienced DM at the helm can save friendships and potentially stop issues before they even arise.